Welcome to Lofty Brain Schools

Lofty Brain School is a

name known for quality and vibrant education, contributing to the
development of leaders and transforming lives

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Discover about tutor

Lofty Brain School is a name known for quality and vibrant education,

contributing to the development of leaders and transforming lives.
We ensure a happy, healthy environment in which our children enjoy learning. We do our
best to make it easy for children to approach staff with their concerns or problems. We
teach that bulling is never an acceptable behaviour. Collaboration and caring is encouraged
at all levels, in both the staff and pupils. Older pupils are encouraged to help the younger
ones in academic work and on the playground

Join our community

If you’re ready to join a community of learners and leaders, we invite you to apply to Lofty Brain Schools today. Take the first step towards a brighter future and apply now. We can’t wait to see all that you will accomplish at Lofty Brain Schools

Enroll today, or learn more about the process . Call Us Today

Lofty Brain is a great school! The
teachers here are super about
encouraging students to do their
very best.

You tell us. We listen